发布日期:2023-11-22 来源: 点击量:机床电气故障检修实训室建于2008年,有SL-136机床电气故障考核装置16台,其中M7120平面磨床、Z3053摇臂钻床、T68卧式镗床、X62W万能铣床各4台。该实验室可开设项目有磨床、钻床、镗床、铣床四种机床的电气故障检修,旨在培养学生常用电气控制器件检测与维修能力、电气控制线路图阅读能力、电气控制器件安装与维修能力、典型机床检测与维修能力。该实验室主要承担机电一体化、电气自动化及工业机器人等专业技能抽查和《电机与电气控制技术》课程的实训教学任务。
Machine tool electrical failure maintenance training room was built in 2008. There are 16 SL-136 machine tool electrical failure assessment devices, of which the M7120 plane grinding machine, Z3053 rocker drilling machine, T68 bedroom bed, X62W universal milling machine.The laboratory can open electrical failure maintenance of lathe, grinding bed, drilling machine, and milling machine. It aims to cultivate students' common electrical control device detection and maintenance capabilities, electrical control line reading capacity, electrical control device installation and maintenance ability, typical machine tool testing and maintenance capabilities. The laboratory mainly undertakes professional skills spot checks such as mechanical and electrical integration, electrical automation, and industrial robotics and the training tasks of the training of the Course of Electrical Control Technology.